Mission Education
Nazarenes everywhere are sharing the mission stories of the church. Telling the story instills passion for missions. When Christ's followers know what is at stake and hear how others are obeying God's call to missions, they are challenged to participate as well.
NMI is committed to helping local churches tell the mission story. We provide resources and support for the local church as it informs and educates its members, not only in what other Nazarenes are doing in missions, but how they can get involved too. Knowledge is key to involvement. With an understanding of the needs of the world and what the church is doing to meet those needs, we are more likely to commit to the support of missions through prayer, giving, communication, and going.

How Does Mission Education Take Place?
Learning takes place in a variety of venues. Experiences, listening to and reading stories, and getting to know missionaries on a personal level enhance mission awareness.
Mission Education happens thru NMI Central.
Kaleidoscope (Children's Curriculum) comes on the first Wednesday of the month. It features mission activities around the world. It is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French.
The hands-on experiences of volunteer programs often provide opportunities for people to see missions firsthand. This includes mission service projects such as Work and Witness, Youth in Missions, NCM centers, and community projects. It also includes hands-on missions activities such as Crisis Care Kits and School Pal-Paks.
Audiovisuals offer people the ability to "see and hear" missions. Each church receives an annual audiovisual catalog.
Deputation Services, Faith Promise conventions, district-sponsored events with a missionary speaker, and the presence of a missionaries-in-residence with at youth and children's camps allow for interaction between missionaries and the people who support them through their givings and prayer.
Nazarene Missions International recognizes that people learn in different ways, so it is important to provide Mission Education in a variety of methods. Missionaries have testified that their mission passion began when reading an NMI missions book, hearing a missionary speak, participating in a mission trip, or attending a mission lesson or retreat. The more opportunities for learning your church receives, the more likely those in attendance will begin to see the world through God's eyes.
The information above can be found at www.nazarene.org